ETO practical training course in Mumbai India
For Trainee ETO, Beginners, ETO & Marine Engineers (Ch. Engr., 2nd Engr., 3rd Engr., 4th Engr. & 5th Engr.)
On hands practical training on ships actual equipments from best faculty Sailed as ETO on Ships
90% practical & 10% theory
We focus mainly on electrical drawing reading, troubleshooting & fault rectification
Separate practical boards for each candidate
We cover different machineries on ships like Tanker, Container & Bulk Carries etc.
In our Training Center we have different marine equipments like MSB, ACB, Boiler, Galley range, Alarm Monitoring System, Cascade Tank, Fresh water Generator Control, Different types of Electrical Starters including DOL, Stardelta, Auto Transformer, Reverse Forward, Purifier Starter, VFD Starter, Oil Water Separator, PLC Controls, Different types of level, pressure and temperature control used in ship, Electrical Generator, Motors, Battery Chargers etc.
We have successfully trained more than 242 trainee ETOs who are currently sailing on different company vessels.

Meet Our Trainer

Our tutor have vast sailing experience as electro technical officer. He sailed on various vessels like container reefer ships, bulk carrier (1,80,000 DWT), VLCC, Hyundia, APL, Evergreen Container etc. Now he is sharing his experince in the form of training. He have succefully trained and motivated trainee ETOs & advance seafares. Under his training our trained ETOs are handing different kinds of ships confidently.

Sir. Muzaffar Bargir

Frequently Asked Question

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